Sunday, August 22, 2004


today as i was flipping through the sunday times aimlessly i saw a picture of my pri school friend, Bernard.
Flashback to 1997, when he was the boisterous specky kid sitting immediately behind me, who kept twirling his sweaty PE t-shirt in the air and making a din, trying very hard to irritate the girls(sorry Bernard, and congrats, by the way). When i saw his picture in the papers, decked out smartly in his olive green military uniform, flanked by proud beaming parents of an SAF scholarship holder, I could hardly contain my surprise. It's amazing what seven years can do to a person, and seven years isn't exactly a long time, by common standards.
Leads me to wonder how i'll turn out after five years in Australia, and I wonder if i'll achieve the goals that i've set for myself. I don't know if i'll be gone for a long time- 5 years, 10, maybe 20? And when i come back to Singapore and see everything and everyone changed, I wonder how i'll react to these upheavals.
We always tell ourselves that we haven't changed one bit, that we have remained as the (insert applicable noun) people always knew. But i guess, that;s just one of the biggest and most pernicious lies we often tell ourselves.


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