Tuesday, March 08, 2005

the name game..

back home, i'd have to repeat my name at least thrice so that people could pronounce it properly. even then, they'd forget it one minute later.
over here, i'd only have to say it once and everyone (well.. almost everyone) remembers it (without difficulty).
here people are funny. they tell me how my name sounds elfish/middle earth-ish (ie. lord of the rings), lawyer-ish (ie. the practice) & medieval.. well back home people'd just gimme this raised eyebrow look because they think my name's weird.

anyways. week one of school is over. i feel more like a sociology student than a medical student. because monash apparently has a more holistic approach to teaching medicine, we students have to focus on the sociological aspects of health & medicine, in addition to physiology & anat. i'm not exactly used to all these artsy concepts and i think i'll take a long time to adapt to the education system here. notes here are overly brief (& shallow) and you're kinda forced to do your own research and reading up on topics.. which makes you more independent, in a way.. but can be bad for you if you're naturally lazy, or too used to being spoonfed. but i quite like the idea of having study buddies where you form a study group and have mugging sessions & discussions with the year 2s.. instead of self-directed mugging. oh and i am now a qualified first-aider too! i can do CPR, EAR and tie triangular bandages!! :)


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